servantofone Jun 1, 2012 Tutz! Hey... I saw you deleted your post that I responded to, so I deleted mine too, just in case. Out of curiosity, where does your name Tutz come from? Does it come from King Tut? Or from tootsie roll?
Tutz! Hey... I saw you deleted your post that I responded to, so I deleted mine too, just in case. Out of curiosity, where does your name Tutz come from? Does it come from King Tut? Or from tootsie roll?
servantofone May 30, 2012 Ahhhh, adding stuff to your plate. I know how that goes. I think management usually wants fat employees....
Ahhhh, adding stuff to your plate. I know how that goes. I think management usually wants fat employees....
servantofone May 28, 2012 I hit my magic 8 ball into the pocket early and lost the game. Stupid 8 ball.
S S sun22beam Mar 12, 2012 what've you been up to? It seems slow around here lately. Maybe it's just me!
S S sun22beam Nov 22, 2011 Thanks for voting! How have you been? I'm a little worried about my coloring now that winter is approaching! :rofl:
Thanks for voting! How have you been? I'm a little worried about my coloring now that winter is approaching! :rofl:
rhon Sep 26, 2011 :hugs::hugs: The stupid rep button won't let me tag anyone!!! :nonod: Hugs to ya!!!:clap: