1st 9,500: Free SSX On Tour Demo for Playstation 2


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Free - SSX On Tour Demo for Playstation 2

EA Sports is giving out a free advanced demo of SSX on tour for Playstation 2. Remember to check off that you would like the demo.

Demos are limited to the first 9,500 subscribers, and only open to residents that live in the United States and Canada. Mailing addresses gathered will only be used to send out the demo.
it doesn't specify a platform. how are you sure that it's playstation?
Great Thanks! :D But hopefully it will come before the actual game comes out :confused:
SunKissezz said:
it doesn't specify a platform. how are you sure that it's playstation?
Not sure about the demo specifically, but it does say on the left side of the page "available for playstation 2, Xbox and Nintendo GameCube"
Thanks penpen. Ordered one for my brother, the XBox geek.
penpen said:
Not sure about the demo specifically, but it does say on the left side of the page "available for playstation 2, Xbox and Nintendo GameCube"
yea I know, but it never gave the option to choose.

Oh well, wait and see I guess
I ordered it. Maybe they'll send an email later asking which version.
I got mine. Haven't had time to play it. Is it that bad? You'd think they'd give you a "level" to play around with. :bs:
The problem isn't the demo. The problem is that it's for PS2. The disc doesn't fit in my GameCube.:( Now they've changed the page to say that it's a PS2 demo, but earlier it didn't say that.
Just got mine yesterday, but I don't have PS2, I have a gamecube. Oh, well. Maybe they'll lower the price this winter since the PS3 is supposed to come out soon.
Just got mine today. Only signed up once, but got two. heheh