4-Ball Pack of Dunlop LoCo and LoCo Bite golf balls

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1. To request a 4-Ball Pack of Dunlop LoCo and LoCo Bite golf balls, access Dunlapgolf.com hereanytime beginning 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time, April 7, 2003 and follow the on-screen instructions to enter your name and address information. The LoCo 4-Ball Sample Pack promotion will continue until all Sample Packs have been allocated.

You may request a 4-Ball Pack by mailing your name, address and email address (if any) on a 4” x 6” piece of paper addressed to: LoCo 4-Ball Sample / P.O. Box 132 / Greenville SC 29602. Mail-in entries must be postmarked no later than April 14, 2003 and received by April 28, 2003 to be eligible to receive a free 4-Ball Package.