8-Rolls of Bounty Huge Roll for $15.39 Shipped


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Amazon.com has the Bounty Huge Roll, 8-Rolls for a good price.

This is $1.92/each

1. Amazon Price : $21.99
2. Choose to "Subscribe & Save" to get 15% off
3. Use coupon code PAPER9IO to get an additional 15% off
Final Price : $15.39 Shipped
Looks like a good deal. I wonder how these compare to Costco's price on bounty paper towels. I think they sell them in packs of 12 rolls and call them "mega plus" rolls. Not sure how that compares to "huge" rolls at amazon, but I guess mega plus is smaller although it sounds bigger. On the bag at costco it says 12 mega plus rolls = 22 regular rolls. Don't remember the price but I think it was around $20. Will have to check next time I go to costco.
yeah, i can't tell if this is a good deal or not because i can't remember how much i paid for paper towels at costco. actually, i think i bought my current megapack from target.
Yea, exactly what I was thinking when I saw this deal. Costco prices are pretttyyy good. Especially the kirkland brand
The Huge Rolls are waaaaaayyyy bigger than the Mega Rolls. I bought a 2 pack and they last over 2 weeks. We usuaully go through 2 megas in a week. Can't compare the two when it comes to pricing, because the huge rolls are so much bigger.