A night at the movies with mom

Big Daddy

Moderately Moderating
Nov 4, 2004
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In December, according to police in Jersey City, N.J., Roselean Walker, 36, sat at one screen in a movie cineplex with her boyfriend while her 11-year-old son watched the longer Harry Potter film at another screen, but after her movie ended, she tired of waiting for the son and went home with the boyfriend to New York City. When police called her the next morning to come pick up the boy, she demanded that they drive him home. After officers ordered her immediately to the station, she showed up in a bad mood, threatening a lawsuit for the inconvenience, and wound up being charged with assaulting an officer (in addition to endangering a child's welfare). [Jersey Journal, 12-9-05]

Can't make this stuff up.:confused:
This is when you wish they had mandatory birth control. How sad! :(
yeah, it really pisses the cops off when i do that :zip:
clubchick said:
yeah, it really pisses the cops off when i do that :zip:

Clubchick, were you at the movie theater with Dehawk again? :eek:
SharonL said:
Clubchick, were you at the movie theater with Dehawk again? :eek:
yeah, he wanted to see harry potter so i let him go LOL LOL
Harry Potter kicks ass

There has to be a IQ test before one is allowed to reproduce. If one fails the test their genetals should be destroyed by a combination of firecrackers and a Jack hammer.

dehawk666 said:
If one fails the test their genetals should be destroyed by a combination of firecrackers and a Jack hammer.

That would be quite a show with your avatar friend! :eek:

Of course, it would all occur behind the shield of the fence to be family friendly! :D
Did anyone catch Law & Order: SVU last night? It was one of those ripped from the headlines (but just different enough from the real story to avoid a lawsuit). Sick, sick people. I'm from Wisconsin - last year, a teenager and her b-friend left their newborn inside a port-a-potty in the middle of winter! Poor kid would have died if somebody hadn't walked by and heard him crying. Now the friggin parents are trying to get the child back! Are they insane!!! They obviously wanted nothing to do with him! I'm all for mandatory sterilization of people like that! They don't deserve the love of a child!
there's a girl who left a 1 day old baby in a parked vehicle out here (Fresno area) and they think it's related to the newborn baby who was abandoned in the same area 11 months ago!!! i don't know if they've proven it yet, but if this is the case, they need to find this woman and if they don't shoot her, they better at least sterilize her and lock her up. People are just sick. I mean, at least she could've left the baby at a hospital- it's legal to do that, isn't it?
clubchick said:
there's a girl who left a 1 day old baby in a parked vehicle out here (Fresno area) and they think it's related to the newborn baby who was abandoned in the same area 11 months ago!!! i don't know if they've proven it yet, but if this is the case, they need to find this woman and if they don't shoot her, they better at least sterilize her and lock her up. People are just sick. I mean, at least she could've left the baby at a hospital- it's legal to do that, isn't it?

I don't know if that's legal. I don't recall the hospital giving me those options.

Check A if you would like to take the baby home.

Check B if you would like to leave the baby here in payment for your bill.

Check C if you would like to enter the Witness Protection Program after leaving baby dehawk at the hospital. :eek:

;) ;) ;)
In some states (not sure which) it is legal to leave your child with/at:

a) a fire station

b) a hospital
From what I remember of hearing about this; there are 'no questions asked', they give you some type of identifying item (perhaps a case #) and this affords the parent a few months to 'change their mind' about the baby without endangering his/her life.

Some people just get overwhelmed, hormones are fluctuating, economics are not good, spouse/bf giving a hard time, hiding from their parents, etc. but that is NEVER an excuse for abandoning/endangering a child. There are always options. A church or place of worship will always help you out - either in trying to help you keep your child or channeling you to the proper sites.

Sad, sad times we live in. :(
precocious said:
In some states (not sure which) it is legal to leave your child with/at:

a) a fire station

:eek: Is that so the baby will grow up loving keg parties? ;) ;)

I kid. I joke. :tongue:

b) a hospital
From what I remember of hearing about this; there are 'no questions asked', they give you some type of identifying item (perhaps a case #) and this affords the parent a few months to 'change their mind' about the baby without endangering his/her life.

That sounds like Costco's return policy. ;) ;)