AMD Sempron 2500+ Boxed Processor with Motherboard for $69.99

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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AMD Sempron 2500+ Boxed Processor with Motherboard for $69.99

AMD Sempron 2500+ Boxed Processor with Motherboard

Processor: AMD Sempron 2500+ Retail Boxed CPU
Includes Fan and 3 Year Warranty
Chipset: VIA KT333
Processor Support: Up to Athlon XP 2800+
Memory Support: Up to 2GB PC2700 DDR
Expansion Slot: 1x AGP 4X, 5x PCI, 1x CNR
Other Features: 5.1 Channnel Audio, USB 2.0,
Anybody have any opinions about this mobo?

other than the fact that you won't be able to upgrade your processor much (2.8 cap) it looks like a solid board - pc2700 isn't the fastest ram but it's definitely fast enough - usb 2.0 and a 5.1 channel surround

if I were in the market I'd jump on this deal in a second :cool:
Sounds Good

The AMD retail boxed 2500+ Sempron by itself is priced at about $79 on many sites. Looks like this is a decent deal.
All i can say is it is better than my 800 mHz. :15::15::15:

Hmm...tempting. I believe this will be faster than my 800Mhz Celeron. :claps:
its a pretty good bet that the board is an ecs (aka pcchips, aka steaming pile of crap). the boards are poor performers and are a gamble.
Right now, it is backordered. I hope I still get one though!
For budget systems, I always want to see video/lan/audio onboard. The seperate cost of those can make it less attractive.

The tax that oupost charges to my state plus the cost of a cheap but decent graphic card (Mx 440) would make it around $120. That's plenty to buy a better system on pricewatch.