Anyone know when "It's a Wonderful Life" will be on TV?


Oskee Wow Wow!
Mar 16, 2005
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Anyone know when "It's a Wonderful Life" will be on TV?

Does anyone know when "It's a Wonderful Life" will be playing on TV this year?

I just did a couple unsuccessful google searches and I couldn't find a listing on TV Guide.

Can anyone help?

I have only seen this movie once. I thought it was wonderfully touching. My husband has never seen it. I want to make it a point that he sees it this year.

Thanks for your help!
If you want to see it right away, your local library probably has it on DVD.
Hubby's away on a business trip this week...

Thanks for the suggestion though dbee.

I did check out the VHS from there last year, but somehow we were just too busy to get a chance to watch it. Maybe I'll see if they have it on Friday for the weekend.

Do you know our Library now *charges* to take out Videos though?!?!?!

WTF! You got to be kidding me, they charge! :faint:

My local library has nothing but oldies, but I can put a hold order from other libraries for free. Then they are driven to my local library and I can pick it up there.

Older movies are usually loaned for a week, but you can renew online.

Sounds like where you are :greed: is more like a blockbuster :faint:

:listen: I usually try to burn the ones I get and return them the next day :rofl:
check They sometimes have TV schedules for particular movies.
They must play that 100 times in December, you won't miss it.

Not yet... wonder if it will be a Gold Box Deal soon?

I wonder if there's anybody on Spoofee who runs a computer business in Utah who may have access to CD burning equipment (and possible already owns a copy of the movie) that could burn you one real e-z for cheap??? :thinking:
I wonder if there's anybody on Spoofee who runs a computer business in Utah who may have access to CD burning equipment (and possible already owns a copy of the movie) that could burn you one real e-z for cheap??? :thinking:

:doh: I could be persuaded :suspicious:

PM me if you want etc let you do a free search for upcoming programs.
You guys ROCK!

Thank you so much for your help!

BD- you are the best! How are you this fountain of knowledge? You know everything!
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