Anyone want this job???????


~*MrS. LuRz*~
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
I have my resume posted on Monster, CareerBuilder etc. and I recieved this email today... I dont know about anyone else but I think I'll pass...haha
Its almost like a Nigerian Scam...

From: "Hiroshi Fukumoto" <[email protected]>
Subject: Your resume
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:32:00 -0400

My name is Hiroshi Fukumoto. I am owner of the company "BH Fukumoto

I would like to hire you.

- -
Please, note, if this letter was in the folder for unsolicited letters,
it means that letters which go from Asia (Japan) can get not in the
basic folder. Since from Asia (South Korea, China, Japan) comes a lot of
spam, many mail services place by default letters from this countries in
a folder for unsolicited letters.
Therefore, if for example, from me there is no letter during several
days, look the folder for unsolicited letters, because a letter may be in
- -

"BH Fukumoto Electronics" was founded in 2004. I have small store in
Tokyo in which work 2 persons: one seller and I.
And in the near future I plan to open website.

I basically sell products of such companies as Sony, Toshiba and
Sony,Toshiba and Panasonic it are the Japanese companies and prices for
their products are less in Japan. My prices are even less, because I
buy batches of products (from 20 products) directly from factories.
For example, look the most popular web store of Sony products for the
American buyers It sells the latest novelties. I
frequently look this website, because I buy at Sony factories, only those
products which sell in sonystyle.

Look, in sonystyle Sony VAIO® FS745P/H Notebook VGN-FS745P/H - $1499.
I, for example, sell it in my store in Tokyo for $749.
For example, some of Sony models and my prices:
Sony VAIO® S550P/S Notebook VGN-S550P/S $ 999
Sony VAIO® S570P/S Notebook VGN-S570P/S $ 1099
Sony VAIO® FS745P/H Notebook VGN-FS745P/H NEW $ 749
Multi-Purpose Mobile Projector VPL-ES2 $ 699
Cyber-shot® DSC-T7 Digital Camera $ 259
Cyber-shot® DSC-T5 Digital Camera $ 179
DCR-DVD7 DVD Handycam® Camcorder $ 399
DCR-DVD203 DVD Handycam® Camcorder $ 449
40" BRAVIA™ XBR® LCD Flat Panel HDTV KDL-V40XBR1 $ 1799
60" Grand WEGA™ 3LCD Projection HDTV KDF-60XS955 $ 2299
Network Walkman™ Digital Music Player NW-HD5RED $ 159

I want to open for myself the American market. It is very big market,
in fact in the USA there lives more than 250.000.000 person.
I hope, my business will have the good future. I have all for this
- I sell only advanced models
- All products are of excellent quality
- I have very good prices, because I buy products directly from
factories, without intermediaries. And I, for example, have free delivery from
factory Sony, because I well have recommended myself (I buy batches of
products on credit for 1 month, and I always repaid it in time).

I want, that you would be my assistant in the USA. My problem is that I
very bad know English language. People sometimes not so well understand
my letters. For example, if in the letter to my future business partner
in the USA are stylistic mistakes or some phrases are difficult to
understand, it can become the reason of misunderstanding.

It not work on sales, you should not sell anything. Into your duties
will enter:
- Correct stylistic mistakes in my business letters, to possible
future partners in the USA
- Give advices and recommendations

It is part-time work. Your salary will be $1500/month. These are rather
big money for part-time work, but I am ready to pay this money, because
your work is very responsible and is necessary for me,
that you would work with full feedback and would be very much
interested in work.

A lot of time is not necessary, to correct the letter or to consult me,
for the person who excellently knows English language, therefore I
think, you will be occupied 3-5 hours per week.
You should do all my tasks within 2 days. For example, I send you the
letter on correction, and you should send it to me corrected during
maximum of 2 days.
You may work directly from home or from your main job (for example,
during the part of lunchtime). The main thing that all my requests would
be done within 2 days.

I have some questions:
- Do you have Microsoft Word (MS Office)?

- Do you have Adobe Reader?


Hiroshi Fukumoto

"BH Fukumoto Electronics"
1-10-4, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8924
Tel: +81 3581 2139
Fax: +81 3585 5831
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spazntwitch said:
More information:,14623602

Note the date of the original thread...over 2.5 years ago! :eek:

geesh he was paying $2000/mo 2 years ago and now it is down to $1500....hum.... I dont understand how he would scam you unless he made you put money down for a background check when you contacted him or something.... no thanks anyway
DOH! I got the date wrong, that was the member's original join date. It looks like he posted it on October 20, 2005. So in 5 days he dropped the offer by 25%. I'd certainly run away!
Just to let all of you know I never had any intention to take this job....I just thought I would share....
Talk about me getting wierd emails! I just recieved this one....I cant figure out what it is even about....

Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 13:07:03 +0500
From: "Alden" <[email protected]>
Subject: Alberta anisodont

Thu, 27 Oct 2005 06:04:03 -0200

Hey mom&dad

Just wanted to write you and let you know how that de_gree program I tried out went... Well 3 weeks later, I graduated, & finished my masters in less then 2 weeks with No Study Required and 1_0_0_% Verifiable!

Yeah mom, I know you and dad doubted it at first,but this turned out to be ,1.0,0% legit, The op,portunity exists due to a legal loophole allowing some established colleges to award at their dis.cretion.

I'm so excited mom and dad this was a life altering opp,ortunity & for once in my life I took advantage of it.
I already have jobs that wouldn't of gave me a chance before calling me off the hook now! This really is a Godsend.

Tell my sister and cousin Joey they better hurry up and call that # i gave them the other day because counselor James said they aren't excepting many more students for this offer.

here are the deg,rees they offer, B/A, B,S,C, M/A M,S.C, M.B.A, P,h,D

and the # to c,all again 1-2,0,6,-350-8632 tell them to leave brief message of the de,gree they want, and they will call back ASAP.

Anyways, much love and tell the rest of the family I said hello :)

love your son,Frances

I have just practiced talking..
Joseph doesn't dislike praying carelessly..
And what were the results? Let me tell you some stories:.
The politicians weren't enjoying jogging..
I don't practice reading once a week..
11. Ninety six bottles of beer, three a's, three b's, one c, two d's, thirty three e's, seven f's, one g, ten h's, nine i's, four l's, sixteen n's, ten o's, thirteen r's, twenty three s's, twenty three t's, four u's, four v's, five w's, three x's, and five y's on the wall..
I am not enjoying skiing among the trees at the moment..
I am enjoying eating in the river..
13. Ninety six bottles of beer, three a's, three b's, one c, two d's, thirty two e's, six f's, two g's, six h's, twelve i's, one j, one k, five l's, one m, eighteen n's, fourteen o's, one p, six r's, twenty seven s's, twenty t's, two u's, seven v's, nine w's, five x's, and five y's on the wall..
Jack is not missing singing near the station..
I don't hate studying in London..
Some store clerks like working in London..
14. Ninety six bottles of beer, three a's, three b's, one c, two d's, twenty eight e's, seven f's, three g's, eight h's, thirteen i's, four l's, sixteen n's, nine o's, nine r's, twenty six s's, twenty t's, four u's, four v's, six w's, five x's, and five y's on the wall. .
Does Joe hate laughing over there?.
The librarians don't remember skiing for more than an hour..
Wasn't Dick missing talking on the street?.
Joseph doesn't dislike praying carelessly..
I was missing jumping..
I don't hate studying in London..
Were those science teachers missing walking a few days ago?.
Did those news announcers dislike jumping?.
Have the managers already loved shouting?.
They have regretted jogging since last Monday..
Doesn't Suzanne like skiing among the trees?.
We've tried to include features in the program for students with many disabilities. I needed Spanish in my classroom, so Spanish was added. I wanted something to engage students who are not interested in language, thus musical interludes and movement were incorporated. I wanted to be able to change the prompts (music,movements, etc.) on-the-fly. We wanted to provide for those requiring augmentative communication device and so the Mayer-Johnson symbols are included and can morph from the photographs. I wanted a cause-and-effect program for my students who didn't understand the automatic scan. The Switch-On-Picts activity was developed. We realized more types of scans would be advantageous. Three types of scanning routines have been added. I wanted 2 and 3 piece puzzles. Here they are. One of my parents wanted Dr. Seuss types of stories with real pictures. We wrote some 'ditties' and here's StoryTime..
That pilot is missing surfing..
Jackie has disliked writing since five weeks ago..
She has disliked cooking for a day or two..
Do those gardners regret walking carefully?.
They use all of those additional sentences to fool spam filters. The filters think it is legitimate mail. I hate stuff like this. If I had the time, I'd call the number and leave a few bogus numbers, like those rejection hotlines, for the spammer to call back.
I mean that email makes no sense, doesnt reference to anything and is the worst marketing effort I have ever seen. Horrible.... I pitty the fool who actually responds and wants a degree from that place (if that is what they are even trying to market)
Casey said:
Hey mom&dad

Just wanted to write you and let you know how that de_gree program I tried out went... Well 3 weeks later, I graduated, & finished my masters in less then 2 weeks with No Study Required and 1_0_0_% Verifiable!

Blah.. Blah.. Blah...

Apparently, they don't teach spelling and grammar! :eek:
BH Hiroshi Fudumoto's letter

Got same letter after posting resume at CareersBuilder.
Frankly, I did not respond because, number one, the "Fukumoto" last name, is kind of a basic giveaway.
Anyway, I would not know what to do with so much money for such little work. I might spoil me too much...
On Yahoo Profile.. it saids he's a female.. "Hiroshi" is clearly a guy's name.