Avant Browser


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2002
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

I just d/led Avant and all I can say is this browswer ROCKS. From the best I can tell it uses the core services provided for IE, but it does its own redering. Man this thing is fast! IE chugs loading web pages, but Avant just flys. If yall want to check it out go to http://www.avantbrowser.com/ and give it a spin. You can also d/l Roboform and it intagrates into Avant nicely.
I prefer Mozilla Firefox, as I've gotten so sick of how vulnerable the Internet Explorer kernel is. Firefox flies on my Comcast cable and is 99% compatible with everything I view. Best of all, it's open source and updates are always being added.

Erik said:
I prefer Mozilla Firefox, as I've gotten so sick of how vulnerable the Internet Explorer kernel is. Firefox flies on my Comcast cable and is 99% compatible with everything I view. Best of all, it's open source and updates are always being added.


I agree with erik... Mozilla is the best hands down

For IE, I also love MYIE2 ( www.myie2.com )
this is the best IE addon I have tried...they also have mouse movement shortcuts which are great
I prefer opera.
Its not mozilla or IE based, basically its the most unique browser available; and its far faster than any others ive tried (including any mozilla based browser, IE, avant, etc..).
I like having tabs, and i really like the fact that by clicking in different ways, or clicking and rolling the mouse wheel i can go forward, back, or to different pages. and theres a bunch more.
Firefox has tabs as well. What I don't like about Opera is that it is so loaded with extras. I don't really use my browser for anything other than surfing. I use Outlook 2003 for e-mail etc. Therefore, Firefox, not having anything else to it besides a rock solid web browser works perfectly for me. It's stable, and doesn't have extras I don't need, which helps it maintain its speed. The issue with Opera is that since it is so independent (doesn't have a name like Internet Explorer or Mozilla which is associated with Netscape etc.), is that many pages may not support it. Firefox loads up 99% of my pages just fine.
I'm hooked on Avant. Have been using it for about 2 years now. I love the tabbing browsing, included popup/ads blocker. U can block pitures/flash and scripts if u want as well. It has a neat feature called URL Alias, where you do like alias addresses, i.e. gg could mean www.google.com, very convinient, I don't have favorites anymore, I have my little Alias. Also you can have several homepages thanks for the tabbed browsing, spoofee is one of 7 homepages.