Beauty Balance Skin Testers

It keeps telling me to please type in my companies name and won't go through:( sniff
beauty balance skin analysis kit

BeautyBalance is the most accurate virtual system for typing skin. It uses CuDerm's patented skin testers to provide instant online analysis. Four time a year we will mail you a new skin tester kit, along with other assorted goodies from our sponsors, to track your skin changes and needs. To get your free starter test kit, simply fill out the form below and click “Submit.”.

Your request has been receieved and your test kit will be sent out in the next 1-2 weeks.
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Your request has been receieved and your test kit will be sent out in the next 1-2 weeks.
Your request has been receieved and your test kit will be sent out in the next 2-4 weeks.
Thanks hope i get it

Your request has been receieved and your test kit will be sent out in the next 2-4 weeks
I got mine in the mail today. Very neat. It tells you what kind of cleanser and makeup are appropriate for your skin type!