Becareful when forwarding jokes......


Goody 2 Shoes Goddess TY
Sep 1, 2005
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I received an email with a joke in it. It was funny and I posted it here......(see below)...I also forwarded it to some friends and gotta see the responses :doh:

First, the joke:
I rear-ended a car this morning. So there we are alongside the road and slowly the driver gets out of the car . . . and you know how you just get sooo stressed and life seems to get funny?

Well, I could NOT believe it . . he was a dwarf. He storms over to my car, he looks up at me and says, "I AM NOT HAPPY!"

So, I look down at him and say, "Well, which one are you then?"...

and that's when the fight started . .LOL

:rofl: I got this in an email and have been rolling all morning! :rofl:

The responses:

80yo Aunt who's a Nun.. said:
Sorry to hear about your accident. Did you get hurt? Was there much damage? You
didn't finish the story about the fight. Was it verbal? Did the dwarf get

How are you and the family?

Hope that you had a wonderful Christmas.
May you all be gifted with good health, many joys, and lots of laughs each day of

I am fine and all is well here.

Are you snowed in?

Love and prayers,
Aunt T
me said:
Aunt T, it was a joke! I'm so sorry, I didn't make that clear....everyone
is fine. There was no car accident.

Thank God you are fine...

A Friend said:
Are you alright? Did you have any of the kids with you? Which one was he Grumpy?

my BF said:
Is this a joke?

me said:
You must be kidding.....yes, it is a joke.....LOL
I was 99% sure it was a joke, but I have to say there was this 1% of me that
could see you saying that to someone :-).

:doh: I'm sure there will be more.......:p

:rofl: Boy, will I be in trouble! :ignore:
Now we know why your relatives and friends aren't Spoofeeers. Seems appropriate for Tipsy Snow White. The relatives and friends just don't get your humor.

We don't get it either but we "humor" you :hug:
I think I have some of those same relatives
Good thing they're concerned of you and your family.
He's got 6 brothers and a hot brunette to take care of him.
Very Funny -It made me HAPPY