Big BABY BOOK From State Farm

I'm going to try it anyway...

I have a new baby, so I think I'll give it a try anyway. I'll keep you posted. :hmm:
Choochoojr said:
"The Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy and Baby's First Year"

username : good
password : neighbor

If you are a State Farm customer you can call your local agent and they can order it for you. My sis works for them and she gets all kinds of cool free things. :)

Kage_ said:
If you are a State Farm customer you can call your local agent and they can order it for you. My sis works for them and she gets all kinds of cool free things. :)


2nd this. Kage_'s sister got me a Wedding Planner that I had seen in a bookstore retailing for $25, and she got it FREE from State Farm. It might be easier to get it through an agent, though, rather than the website. Hope that helps!
Just to let you know...i never had any trouble getting my books from them, & i'm NOT a policy holder. recieved 3 of them, 1 for me, 2 for hopefully you'll get yours soon also.
Big Baby Book

I received my book about a month ago. It is huge. About the thickness of 2 what to expect when you're expecting books. Nice hardcover book with lots of info. And I don't have State Farm Insurance.
I got mine couple weeks ago for a friend. Yes that book is big.
We are expecting and State Farm policyholders so I'll let you know if we receive it.

I am prompted for a user login name and a password. What do I need to enter? Advice?

What I did is go to the web link, then scrolled all the way down, hit on the Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy and Baby's First Year
If you are expecting, a free copy of the Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy and Baby's First Year is available to you. This book guides you through each phase of pregnancy, birth, and baby's exciting and important first year.)
I received the book yesterday. It's a very large hardcover book. Very nice.