Chance to win Bag of M&M's if one of first to respond.

We received your info...

We'll let you know if you are one of the first to respond!

Keep your fingers crossed.
Last edited:
Toniee said:
It says sorry Im not eleigible. Oh well.
Strange... maybe you're under 13/18 years? Wait, could you not get past the first page?

I got the same as diGriz.
diGriz said:
We'll let you know if you are one of the first to respond!

Keep your fingers crossed.

Hmmm. That's kind of stupid. You give all your informationa and you MIGHT get a free bag?

I signed up before I realized that it wasn't a definite freebie. Boo.
Maybe I'm just a newbie, but there is no hyperlink to the website appearing in the first post on my screen. I've clicked around everywhere in that window to no avail. :o Could someone please post it again?
LittleCricket said:
Maybe I'm just a newbie, but there is no hyperlink to the website appearing in the first post on my screen. I've clicked around everywhere in that window to no avail. :o Could someone please post it again?

Not sure why you are having such a hard time finding where to click, do you see the spot to click in my post 3 above this one?
mmmm.... M&Ms....

I hope that someone lets me know when my M&Ms arrive. Actually, I wonder if it's true that they melt in your mouth, not in the postal delivery person's truck? ;)
GOod luck to me!

I hope I'm one of the first to respond. The only thing I love more than M&M's are free M&M's!
Not sure why I'm having such a hard time either. No, the hyperlink doesn't show up in either post. It's probably safe to say I'm not in the first 500 at this point anyway. Oh well, better luck next time! :34: