Compaq iPaq H3955 Pocket PC pricematch goodness


New member
May 29, 2003
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Staples, and most other office stores have this for $499
Compuplus has it for $345, amazon -$350, you can check bizrate for more prices, etc.

I'm not sure about officedespot, etc, but staples pms online w/110% difference - should be good for another $15ish off. If someone knows of a coupon that can be used, I had a $75 that died 5 days ago. . . .
A rebate for this just expired too.
I know it isn't a kick ass deal, but it could become one in the next little while, or if someone wants to share ;)
Welcome to Spoofee. I don't think that Staples will accept a price from an online merchant. I tried to have it done with my new home theater system. :x

Edited by choochoojr: All deal posts are welcome here, especially from new members. So please don't knock down other peoples posts. The moderators and Mr.Spoofee are the ones to decide on whats good or not. ;)
Not bm (officially, although the instore folks have done it for me a couple times) but their online store will.