Complain in this thread -- Lets keep the hot deals thread clean of people complainng


Bronze Member
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
the liberal political advertising icons are getting too thick and frequent in spoofee for my politically sane tastes..several friends that used to visit spoofee have told me that they have left for that reason and stayed for the reason that they came here to shop for and contribute good deals, not wanting to be slapped in the face with political liberal icons-they said that Spoofee should get his house in order and stick to and focus on what works and why Spoofee is here in the first place:dealfinding and making, NOT political statements-esp from those under 35. I happen to agree and am hanging on by a thread myself.
Haha, I'm not normally that political, but I really can't stand to have another four years of America with Bush. But we won't go there...

Yeah, believe it or not, I just rearranged all the furniture in my room and brought in my Toshiba SD-3800 Progressive DVD to go with it, this is going to be really nice. I also just wired a digital coax line to my room in place of the RG6 cabling that was already there, I want the best picture. Too bad I have no choice but to split the line three times before it gets to the TV.

Still hasn't shipped yet, it'll ship either tomorrow or Monday I guess.
Erik said:
Haha, I'm not normally that political, but I really can't stand to have another four years of America with Bush. But we won't go there...

Yeah, believe it or not, I just rearranged all the furniture in my room and brought in my Toshiba SD-3800 Progressive DVD to go with it, this is going to be really nice. I also just wired a digital coax line to my room in place of the RG6 cabling that was already there, I want the best picture. Too bad I have no choice but to split the line three times before it gets to the TV.

Still hasn't shipped yet, it'll ship either tomorrow or Monday I guess.

My opinion is that you can choose to do whats best for the Spoofee forum or serve your own selfish needs and publicize political preferences which damages and distracts the forum..the choice you make will be obvious too all who read your posts. I too dislike many things (and dont talk about sports or religion either) but I dont post any of that here on Spoofee--its neither the time nor the place on this forum-frankly posting my non deal related likes or dislikes is irrelevant and takes up server space best dedicated to deals, not non-deal opinions. "Dont go there" is a good idea..dump the political icon and we'll all believe you then. Until then, its all rhetoric.

I really dont care what other people think of my politics, as long as they dont shove theirs either in my face. Lets all do whats best for Spoofee and not market our own political views-at the forums expense. There are other forums for politics..this is not one of them.
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Inquiring said:
the liberal political advertising icons are getting too thick and frequent in spoofee for my politically sane tastes..several friends that used to visit spoofee have told me that they have left for that reason and stayed for the reason that they came here to shop for and contribute good deals, not wanting to be slapped in the face with political liberal icons-they said that Spoofee should get his house in order and stick to and focus on what works and why Spoofee is here in the first place:dealfinding and making, NOT political statements-esp from those under 35. I happen to agree and am hanging on by a thread myself.

Not to start a flame war, but I have that 1st Amendment right our Constitution protects upon me allowing to put a link, which left wing or not, is a top official being caught LYING! When you say "the liberal political advertising icons are getting too thick and frequent in spoofee for my politically sane tastes" I just want to say what makes you have any more of an opinion to put stuff on this site than I do. You are not a moderator, nor the owner of the site; you have no say! Its not my fault that your friends won't come to Spoofee just because someone says something liberal in a discussion forum. Thats hilarious, is it really hurting them that much? That would be like me watching Fox News and being blinded by their portray what "news really is."
Another thing, what does my age have anything to do with my statement of political views. I am in college, I am surrounded by political views, both left and right everyday. Guess what, my vote is worth the same as yours. So until you send the secret service after me, for posting something against our administration, then I will share whatever political opinions I have. Thanks.
Inquiring said:
the liberal political advertising icons are getting too thick and frequent in spoofee for my politically sane tastes..several friends that used to visit spoofee have told me that they have left for that reason and stayed for the reason that they came here to shop for and contribute good deals, not wanting to be slapped in the face with political liberal icons-they said that Spoofee should get his house in order and stick to and focus on what works and why Spoofee is here in the first place:dealfinding and making, NOT political statements-esp from those under 35. I happen to agree and am hanging on by a thread myself.

People have left because of someones avatar, come on! :cry: Should I complain if I do not like red sports cars, like your avatar has in it because I only like blue sports cars. LOL

There is no need to take things around here so seriously, this is supposed to be a fun place to hang out. I don't think telling someone he cannot have a certain avatar just because you don't like it is appropriate, it is not obscene or inappropriate. :bs: :banghead:
Complain in this thread -- Lets keep the hot deals thread clean of people complainng

Feel free to complain here in this thread...

I split the thread from the Toshiba TV post to here

Just keep it clean, because kids are around.
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