COMPUSA 17" Flat Panel Monitor 179.99 NO mail in rebate

Any idea on the warranty on this one? I've got to get to bed, but I'll research tomorrow afternoon if no one else has.
Wow, I wonder what the quality is. Even if someone only needs the basics, for $180 with no rebates this is a steal if the thing is fairly decent. :P
I would agree with wakejumper. I would only get an lcd if it has a dvi out... otherwise the image is not that clear...
They didn't give a response time, I bet its really slow.
good? bad? i need an inexpensive one for myself, won't be doing any gaming, only basic internet use...
just think about it, after 6 months are you going to wish you spent another 100 bucks, if not go with a better one if not, get the cheap one, that is how i weigh all my decisions. long term thinking is a key factor in any buy.
It's great! I set it up today and WOW was very surprised by how crisp, clear and bright it is. the color is so vivid and takes up much less space! I have a 21 apple monitor at work and the color on this one is much nicer! The screen is about the same size as my 21" since they measure from the outer edge the screen space about the same. I'm a graphic desinger and this great for my hoome freelance jobs!

Yea! I'm very happy! and it didn't break the bank! :D
CreativeGenes said:
It's great! I set it up today and WOW was very surprised by how crisp, clear and bright it is. the color is so vivid and takes up much less space! I have a 21 apple monitor at work and the color on this one is much nicer! The screen is about the same size as my 21" since they measure from the outer edge the screen space about the same. I'm a graphic desinger and this great for my hoome freelance jobs!

Yea! I'm very happy! and it didn't break the bank! :D
Could you tell us how long the warranty is? I couldn't find anything online about it.
I got a lcd 17" Pyxscape for $129AR at (no, you can't get that deal now) 25ms response time. I think the cheaper monitors have slower response times.
I went to the store last night and the item # was not in stock but another "Norwood Micro" was, however, the salesman said that they had not sold any of these that did not come back to them after "smoking". He said they are returning their entire inventory for credit and resolution if they were to continue to carry them.

He also said that this has been a country wide issue...

Not sure it's worth the hassle.