(Dead) Hitachi 80GB 2.5" Notebook Hard Drive for $34.50 *Website error


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Dec 21, 2001
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(Dead) Hitachi 80GB 2.5" Notebook Hard Drive for $34.50 *Website error

IBM has the Hitachi 80GB 2.5" notebook hard drive for a good deal.

- Click here and enter part number 13N6805 to get the Hitachi hard drive for $34.50 + Ship ($13).

Note : Item Description in the shopping cart states "Drive Tray Assembly", however if you click here and search for 13N6805, it states that the item is a hard drive.

Update : Please note that Taz161999 confirmed with IBM that it is a tray, however Xrayvsion also confirmed with them that the model # is a 80 GB hard drive. It is somewhat of a risky deal.
having an ibm thinkpad, i'm almost positive that this is the cartridge that the hard drive would fit into before you insert it into the pc. I also know that IBM replacement parts are not cheap at all and there is no way they would sell a $160 hard drive for $30. There aren't even any specs either, such as hard drive manufacturer or even speed of the drive. This should be pulled from the frontpage.
I thought the same thing. When you add it to your cart it has this as te item desc: "80GB HARD DRIVE TRAY ASSEMBLY FRU" Notice, its the tray, not the drive. Conversely, one of the pages shows this:

HDD 80GB 9.5mm 5400rpm for T41/p, T42/p

* 2373-GMx
* 2373-3Vx, 3Zx, 4Vx, 7Xx, 9Tx, 9Ux, 9Vx, 9Xx, 9Zx, CUx, CVx, CWx, CXx, CYx, GZx
* 2374-3Vx, 7Xx
* 2378-DYx, EWx, EXx, EYx, EZx
* 2379-DYx, EYx, EZx

HGST 13N6805 1

Which makes me wonder. If this is really a drive, Ill be pissed if I miss it. If its a tray, Ill be pissed I bought it. Argh!
can anyone confirm this? i need a new hd for my dell bad. everywhere i check says that its a hard drive but as TheWhippingBoy says no sites have specs, and everywhere i find that is selling the drive has it for $150-230, there is also only one being sold on ebay. I also can not find any pics of the drive anywhere.
gorac said:
can anyone confirm this? i need a new hd for my dell bad. everywhere i check says that its a hard drive but as TheWhippingBoy says no sites have specs, and everywhere i find that is selling the drive has it for $150-230, there is also only one being sold on ebay. I also can not find any pics of the drive anywhere.

Go to

And search 13N6805

it shows up as a HDD 80GB 9.5mm 5400rpm for T41/p, T42/p
i'm on the phone with ibm now to see if it is a hd and i've been on hold for 48 mins
Done! Ordered!

Hope its what I hope it is.. uhh, duh! Hopefully theyre good with returns if its not what I hope it is.

Also, they charge tax.
sorry, don't do it over the phone they want to chrge you an extra $399 for no reason at all! I finally got a hold of them and they said they will go fast and it is for the hd. they made a price mistake and can't change it because of mis-advertising or something like that.
he said everyone is calling about it and he said that is was def. a hard drive. i asked him about the price and he said they can't change it because it has to be on for 24 hours or they could get sued for mis-advertising. Like a bait and switch thing but they could get sued so buy it fast!
Sweet. Boy am I glad, I ordered 2! If I had ordered two trays Id be peeved.

Just ordered two more.. I know my friends will pay me for them. Maybe I can even turn a profit and only pay 30 for mine. ;)
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If you dont need it now, you will need it later. And good luck finding this price again. Go for it. Itll come out to about 50.00 after shipping and tax.

Besides, you just spent an hour on the phone with these freaks. Did you do that for no reason?
ok sound good. i like listening to strangers lol. j/k. gunna buy it yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!