Do you know how much a spammer makes?

Spoofee said:
This guy made $750,000/month!
Ah, pocket change. Found that in my couch cushions last night. ;)

Glad someone was caught. Now they need to make an example of him!
I think this article's going to have the opposite effect. Idiots are going to look at this and not think "oh man.. you can go to prison for spamming." Instead, they're gonna think "Cha-CHING! I can make HOW much just for sending spam?"
spoofskate said:
I think this article's going to have the opposite effect. Idiots are going to look at this and not think "oh man.. you can go to prison for spamming." Instead, they're gonna think "Cha-CHING! I can make HOW much just for sending spam?"

Yes, with cha ching it accompanies a possible 9 years in prison. also he has a steep overhead, 50k a month. that probably means you will need to pull out some money to start with. who has 50k in their pockets?