What is excluded?
Auction-style listings, Auction-style listings with Buy it Now Listing Upgrade, eBay Motors vehicles, International, Live Auction, Professional Services, Ad Format, Real Estate and Store Inventory listings.
Business & Industrial categories. The following business and industrial categories are excluded from the 10 Cent Fixed Price Sale: tractors & farm machinery (91952), heavy equipment (25249), concession trailers, carts (67145), imaging and aesthetics equipment (92035), forklifts and other lifts (97185), manufacturing equipment (92080), metalworking equipment (92082) and commercial printing presses (26247).
The promotional rate does not apply to listings with a start date prior to March 15, 2006 - including those listings revised during the promotional period. The promotional rate also does not apply to listings created on March 15, 2006 and scheduled to start after the promotion ends.