Eucerin Foot Repair Creme - Free sample

Thanks Hippie. I requested mine on April 20th, so hopefully it should be coming soon. (I suffer from da agony of da feets.)
Thanks Hippie!
Thank you, my feet are always dry cause I wear flip flops all day. :coffee:
I'm pretty sure I've requested this several times and never got it. I'm trying again, but the page looks familiar. Anyone ever get this product?
I filled out the form, but only got a "Thank you" after I submitted it. I hope this one comes!
thank you hippietoad that was a cool post ")
my hands look like most peoples feet (dry wise) not that my hands look like feet...well you know what i mean...or maybe you don't ...want pictures? naaa, that would be scary for i babbling? yes, indead i am...good bye now.
Still waiting for this one, too, and I signed up for it April 20th.

Why do these companies advertise freebies they have no intent of delivering? All it does is create ill will and alienate potential customers. And this is not some small fly-by-night company, either. :eviltongue: