Just be aware that if you use a password on your form, it can be easily displayed at least on Microsoft Office 2000. I wrote the following code where I used to work (Fortune 500) company and was blown away when this simple piece of VB code displayed their password. Hopefully, Microsoft has patched this flaw. If you do use a password to secure your form, be sure that you use something that you do not use elsewhere (ie your computer login password).
Private Sub ShowFormPassword()
Dim myOlApp As Application, myInspector As Inspector
Dim mySubject As String, myPassword As String, strPrompt As String, strTitle As String
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myInspector = myOlApp.ActiveInspector
mySubject = myInspector.CurrentItem.Subject
myPassword = myInspector.CurrentItem.FormDescription.Password
If myPassword = "" Then
strPrompt = "Item: " & mySubject & vbCrLf & _
"There is no password associated with this item."
strPrompt = "Item: " & mySubject & vbCrLf & _
"Password: " & myPassword
End If
MsgBox strPrompt
End Sub