(Expired) Arthritis Survey/ 15 Questions/ $10 Gift Card


Did someone say free ?
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Heard this ad on the radio and think it is great! If you have arthritis and go to www.myhealthstudy.com and fill out the survey (about 15 questions), you can get a $10 gift card. I like to get free stuff for talking about my aches and pains!

Note... Do Not click the Rheumatoid Arthritis option or you will be disqualified.
I got through @ 6 questions and didn't qualify :(
Thanks so much for the post..I tried to post this last night, but the link wasn't working..Your link works for me though!! :yo: :wave:
great thanks for the post

Thank you. The Arthritis Health Survey is now complete.
Thank you. The Arthritis Health Survey is now complete
Thanks for the post!
I got through @ 6 questions and didn't qualify :(

if you miss one click the back button instead of next you can change the answer until you get it right ..:wave:
Arthritis Health Survey

Thank you for considering participating in our health survey.

At this time, however, we have received sufficient responses and concluded our survey.
I also received the Target $10 gift card. Thanks, OP!