** EXPIRED ** --- ATI Radeon X800 Pro - $449.99 and XT Platinum - $359.99 at CompUSA


Watching from afar
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
** EXPIRED ** --- ATI Radeon X800 Pro - $449.99 and XT Platinum - $359.99 at CompUSA


Enter promotional code "convertible" to get the prices listed below

ATI Radeon X800 XT Platinum 256MB (search 313032) - $449.99
ATI Radeon X800 Pro 256MB (search 313030) - $359.99
Mmmmm.... Graphics cards. (slobber all over face)

I think i'll wait for the GeForce 6800, which will blow these cards out of the water.
I remember hearing on some forums that the GeFroce6800s would retail for $300, is this correct?
Yeah, the Ultra will be 500, while the non ultra will be 300. They should have something for 400 to bridge the gap. That would be the one i would get.
TheWhippingBoy said:
Mmmmm.... Graphics cards. (slobber all over face)

I think i'll wait for the GeForce 6800, which will blow these cards out of the water.

Read the review on the 6800 in this months MAX PC...NVIDIA still cant catch ATI with their 6800.
Doesn't the NVIDIA chip use PCI Express or is that a later version?
Inquiring said:
Read the review on the 6800 in this months MAX PC...NVIDIA still cant catch ATI with their 6800.

Not necessarily true, since the only cards that have been tested as yet have been reference pieces from nvidia. The comparison at HardOCP showed the ATI did perform better, however, there were a few tests that had the GeForce out perform it. Overall, the ATI came out on top, but really, it's a matter of what you intend to do with it and how much you're willing to spend to get it.
Just look at the benchmarks. nVidia is beating ATi is most of the benchmarks, and they don't even have a finalized driver set out for it yet. Performance will increase a lot after their new Forceware is out. In addition, ATi is severely limiting itself with a .13 nm process, which only gives it a few more mhz before it is taken off the market. I'll admit that the FX series sucked, but these 6 series cards look seriously great.
TheWhippingBoy said:
Mmmmm.... Graphics cards. (slobber all over face)

I think i'll wait for the GeForce 6800, which will blow these cards out of the water.

Go read tomshardware eval on both cards to get the facts:

"Even the much less expensive X800 Pro with its 12 pipes can beat the GeForce 6800 Ultra in some game tests. The power consumption of the X800 XT is about the same as that of its predecessors in 3D applications. Additionally, the cards require only one auxiliary power connector and don't need an especially potent power supply like the GeForce 6800 Ultra does.
Until then, the new performance leader is ATi's Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition."
alshah said:
ummm...you're link shows that the ATI card is better in some lame testing categories. Still though the ATI card came out on top.

Yeah, humorous, huh. But don't really use that as judgement.

You guys are correct in that respect, but remember that nVidia did the same thing when they released their FX series. The reason that it was such a flop was because they just increased mhz to unholy levels and expected to win. ATi is doing this now with their 900mhz card. What they really need is more efficient pipeline architecture, according to Maximum PC. nVidia learned from this and their 6-series is clocked even lower than the FX, but there are so many more pipelines. For now the X800 will remain superior in mhz intensive duties, but don't expect its graphical core to last too long on the market, especially with its lower graphical pipelines and larger nm process. Just increase the clock frequency of the 6800 to meet the X800, or at least get close and i think the X800 will pale in comparison. It's a tough choice, but this is my reasoning for why i am going to buy a geForce rather than an X800. Of course, there are downsides. The dual slot fan megasux, and double psu connections is wasteful, but it's a small price to pay for the greatest graphics in gaming.
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The true question is can you tell if there is a difference by eye between the two cards.
haha, a slight difference to the eye could mean a solid $200. i sit and i think, "would a radeon 7500 AIW, which runs all the games i need and records tv, be good for me or should i buy the 9800pro AIW which is $200 more?" i got me a 7500. nothing incredible, but it runs all the new games, and i record "24" every week. :)
Inquiring said:
Go read tomshardware eval on both cards to get the facts:

Thats an oxymoron right? THW has been well known as one of the more biased individuals when it comes to computer hardware. He always gave intel products a better review than AMD, even when every other website on the planet was saying that Athlons were mopping the floor with Pentiums (at the time). I trust anything out of toms mouth about as much as I trust a used car salesman :). Perhaps he's right this time, but I recommend looking at several reviews and then making up your mind. THW, HardOCP, and Anandtech should give you a pretty well rounded set that should see most of the bias cancel itself out :)
TheWhippingBoy said:
Just look at the benchmarks. nVidia is beating ATi is most of the benchmarks, and they don't even have a finalized driver set out for it yet. Performance will increase a lot after their new Forceware is out. In addition, ATi is severely limiting itself with a .13 nm process, which only gives it a few more mhz before it is taken off the market. I'll admit that the FX series sucked, but these 6 series cards look seriously great.


not according to anandtech, which has more credibility that THG and OHP combined x2. ATi doesnt have a finalized driver set out yet either, so what's your point? And you dont even know what you're talking about with the 13nm being limited so just stop. The fact that nVidia uses something else other than 13nm, mr. fanboy, does not make whatever they use better. The FX6800 beats the X800 in some cases but the X800 beats it in most.
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