Thanks Smidge...
Just a heads up to all who have a Keurig KCup Machine. This is NOT listed in your manual but something I found out today.
My machine wasn't brewing (thankfully I still had my black and decker coffee maker as hubby was going anal on me).
So I called as the machine was less then 2 weeks old.
If you use ANY Kcup with ANY sort of a milk base (hot chocolate, cappaccino, etc) you NEED to do a quick clean right after to avoid clogging.
This means after you make that cup of hot chocolate. Set your machine on 8 oz setting and brew straight water and also clean out the bottom part where the kcup sits (just put thumb underneath for it to pop out). Once you do this you will avoid it clogging. Was also recommended to keep a non coated paper clip handy. And about 1x per week or so Clean the top and bottom pins (in and around that top needle will be 3 separate places to clean out (Front, side and back) and bottom will be a ring around it). This also avoids clogging.
Just thought I'd share this w/ my spoofeettes.