(expired) Free Mouse - Help with RA


Master League
Staff member
Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score

Navigate your way to more information about managing RAUse the following questionnaire to tell us about how you feel about your rheumatoid arthritis (RA). As a special thank you we'll be pleased to send you a user-friendly mouse. Specially designed to reduce stress in your hand, this mouse will help you navigate your way to more information about managing RA.
You should now start receiving our monthly newsletters with helpful rheumatoid arthritis information and tips by email. Please make sure to add RheumatoidArthritis.com to your spam filter so you don't miss an issue!
Thank You for Signing Up
You should now start receiving our monthly newsletters with helpful rheumatoid arthritis information and tips by email.
thanks i have this and some days i am really in pain great site and find
Thanks I know someone who can use this!
Great Find!
This is marvelous; I don't have arthritis quite yet, but I'm certainly working on it in my right wrist.
I have a friend with RA and look forward to giving this to her. Thanks.
This will come in handy for someone i know...the info that is.
This will come in handy for me.. although my RA is in my hips right now... but the info. will help and the mouse will help when I need it. Thanks!
I got this mouse in the mail today. Very nice, Thanks for the great post Glitter.:clap:
If you are visiting this page after receiving a postcard with a mouse offer, we regret to inform you that the promotion has now ended. However, we encourage you to sign up to stay informed about important RA topics, from pain management to treatment tips for healthy living and more.

Looks like it's over.
I got this a few weeks ago, very nice!!!
It took a long time to get that?

Yeah, i had forgotten about it. I had to do a search on here to find out exactly what giveaway it came from. BUT....at least it came.:lol:
Got mine 01/03 also. Optical mouse, odd shape with large gel rest pad on the top of the mouse. My RA is better already!