(Expired) Free Nature's BountyTote First 5k

Can always use another tote. Thanks!
You have successfully signed up for RedPlum’s Go Green/ Save Green Giveaway!

The first 5,000 lucky members will be eligible to receive a free reusable tote bag and a $1 coupon for Nature’s Bounty Health Supplements! Good luck!
Yesss!!!A free tote.Now maybe I will get lucky and receive one this time.LOL
ditto all of the above.
Register for Your Chance to Win a Recycled, Reusable Tote Bag and a $1 Coupon for Nature’s Bounty Health Supplements!
Thanks terrific offer just hope I'm not wayyyyyy late like usual. Wish it had been clear about whether I was one of the first 5k but doesn't sound like they are really saying I am or not
You have successfully signed up for RedPlum’s Go Green/ Save Green Giveaway!

The first 5,000 lucky members will be eligible to receive a free reusable tote bag and a $1 coupon for Nature’s Bounty Health Supplements! Good luck!
I probably am way late but what the heck. I did just receive a bag and a coupon from them.
Promotion has ended. What's interesting is that they say "Click here for a complete list of winners." Wish Allure/Lucky would just do that with their giveaways. Of course, the list isn't posted yet. You can't win.
Tote was very little, wont hold many groceries. Might be ok for smaller object tho.
Or maybe just the perfect size for a trash recepticle for the car.Just a thought.:convinced:
thank you :)

You have successfully signed up for RedPlum’s Go Green/ Save Green Giveaway!

The first 5,000 lucky members will be eligible to receive a free reusable tote bag and a $1 coupon for Nature’s Bounty Health Supplements! Good luck!