(Expired) Free popcorn sample

Due to the OVERWHEALMING RESULTS of our free sample offer, we are now asking everyone to sign up for our newsletter to be the FIRST on our next shipment of FREE samples. The public has spoken through our product survey: 100% of our buyers and samplers have given our popcorn a rating of 6/7 or higher (two-thirds said 7/7)!
"Due to the OVERWHEALMING RESULTS of our free sample offer, we are now asking everyone to sign up for our newsletter to be the FIRST on our next shipment of FREE samples. The public has spoken through our product survey: 100% of our buyers and samplers have given our popcorn a rating of 6/7 or higher (two-thirds said 7/7)!
With over 600 free samples shipped to every state in the U.S., it's time to get yours!"

No guarantee that they will ever send a free one, you must sign up to be eligible to be on their shipment list.