(Expired) Free Subscription to Soap Opera Digest Magazine

Thank you posting, glitterdog. I can'r wait to be able to keep up with my 2 favorite soaps although if I miss a few days, not much will have changed!
Thanks Glitter! Hate to admit it but I'm addicted to my soaps!
I don't watch soaps as much as I used to, but I still like to keep up with my old favorites. Thanks so much for posting this GD!
Yippee I ay, cowboy! Thanks for the great find.
Thanks Glitterdog for this wonderful freebie. I love
this Soap mag & also love my soaps.:teeth:
Missed out on this one. Says selection has been depleted.
I just got my first issue today. So everyone who ordered this, start watching your mailboxes!
I got my second issue today. Got one last week too. Thanks again glitter
I got my 1st issue yesterday & I love
this mag!:teeth::tongue: