(Expired) - TNW Free Ink Pen

FrontPage Error.
User: please report details to this site's webmaster.

Webmaster: please see the server's system log for more details.
We have received your information and will send your free pen to you via US Mail soon.
FrontPage Error.
User: please report details to this site's webmaster.

Webmaster: please see the server's system log for more details.

I got the same error message but I sent the site an email about the problem~~Thanks for the post, DNR :wave:

Here is the email address: [email protected]
Sorry - Error 404 | Page Not Found. Thanks for the email address Joyce. I also sent them an email about the error message.
Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions on this page: "http://www.cambridgesafaris.com/pen.htm"