(expired)Velvet Fudge Sample ~ YUMM!!


Soon2B SurroMom This Fall
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score

If you don't mind waiting in line, you can sign up for a free sample of Velvet Fudge. All you need to do it sign up for our mailing list and check the free sample box.

Each week we set aside a batch of Velvet Fudge to send out as free samples. It's first come first served, so the longer you wait to sign up the longer you'll wait for your sample.

Save yourself the wait by ordering today!
link not working thanks anyway darn looks good too
the link works fine, but after you fill out the form and click "submit" it says internal error, etc. Maybe try again tomorrow, must be a problem with the website.
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'

Disallowed Parent Path

/mailing_list/confirm.asp, line 2

The Include file '../Connections/vf_conn.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory
I'm sooo sorry guys. I was able to order a sample. Maybe I was the last to get one. I'll share though I promise!! :D
It's not exactly expired... After reading the message, it says they set aside a batch each week... So, sounds like they continue to do it each week...