Famous "The Scream" Painting Stolen!

I believe it was one of the versions of The Scream. I know I've seen The Scream at the Met in NYC. I wonder if its the same one or what the deal is. Hopefully the idiots will try to sell it on Ebay. :)

It reminds me of the Donnesbury cartoon during the looting in Iraq. One of the characters got a rare Babylonian Scroll. They went online to find out how much it was worth. A guy online at a museum replied 10 to 20. :D
The paintings are usually one of a kinds. I can't believe someone would walk into a Art Gallery in broad daylight, armed, to steal a painting that in no way could he fence. Let alone this happening in Norway! I could kinda see it in this country with all the idiots roaming around, but there?? I once watched somewhere, regarding history and what those painted could depict. Was actually quite interesting..

I like the Donnesbury... 10 to 20... :D
There are four versions of The Scream. He couldn't possibly sell it, so most likely they'll demand a ransom for its return.
And in the process of demanding a ransom, get caught and sent up the river for 20-life.. :D
World-Class Thieves

During the process of leaving the museum, these "world-class thieves" dropped one or both paintings more than once. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :clown: :clown: :clown:
