Fell YTour B@@Bies - New Sticker packs - submit video


Spoofee Posting Addict
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
"In honor of our 4th Annual National Feel Your Boobies Week, free stickers are back! An offer only for our followers, you can claim on of our limited edition stickers only available through this promotion.

THERE'S JUST ONE CATCH! Please share our YouBoob Funniest Video Contest with your Facebook friends...and this sticker is our thank you for your help."

Free Sticker
Great find! I still have the magnet they gave out free last year and love the sticker! My mom is fighting breast cancer and October is breast cancer awareness month, so thank you to all of you who help support and donate to the cause!
Great cause, but........ What kind of vidio involving what part of your body must we submit?
Great cause, but........ What kind of vidio involving what part of your body must we submit?

You dont have to actually submit a video,

Step 1. Share our video contest with your Facebook friends by clicking "like".
Step 2. Use the YouBoob Contest Logo as your profile picture, post it to social network sites or email it to friends.
Step 3. Claim your free sticker below!

For the contest...
In 60 seconds or less, just tell us how you remind your friends to “feel their boobies”, and you could be our $10,000 Grand Prize Winner.

Submissions are due by 10/10 and here’s the basic stuff your video needs to include to be accepted into the contest:



60 seconds or less

Must be U.S. Resident & 13 years or older

Style should be funny and lighthearted (edgy is encouraged, porn is not)

May enter as individual or as an agency/group/company

Theme should illustrate how you remind your friends to “feel their boobies”



Include a “Feel Your Boobies” logo (from list below)

Include the Feel Your Boobies URL www.feelyourboobies.com.

*Printing out a logo or scribbling the logo on paper is fine! Whatever you can do!
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