FIND Someone's birthday for FREE


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2004
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FREE Birthday Search
Can't remember the birthday of a friend, relative or co-worker?
Search our database of 120 million names and birth dates:

First Name Last Name Estimated Age

Note: Our information comes
from official government records so it is best to search using the person's full first name, like Robert instead of Rob or Joseph instead of Joe. But, if you do not find their birthday after your first search, try again using their shorter first name. Also, the City/State/Zip shown in our results may not be current. It is what was listed on file at the time our data collected, and just used to help you identify the correct person.
I bookmarked that. You never know when it might come in handy. Thanks!
I don't get it.If I can't remember someones birthday(that usualy means they aren't on the top of my priority list to begin with and it's not a big deal anyway)but I just ask them when it is.Why would I want to go online and look it up????
It did not have me or my hubby. I would say it's mostly a miss. (as in hit or miss)