Finger Lickn' Good

I hear Italy has spaghetti and Obama-balls set to hit the shelves any day now!!!:hungry::pound:
What a joke! On the bright side, finally fried chicken is rightfully advertized by someone other than of European descent.

Oh, and a new Kool-Aid bottles will feature the big O's face instead of a more familiar round red smiley.


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So, he IS the Kool-Aid they're drinking?

Yes, Jimmy, I know it was Flavor-Aid, chill, OK?
Now we know what he is made of:

"chicken breast: coated and fried"
Someone want to help me market Obama Weiners?
-One Obama weiner please!

--Ma'am, do you want to supersize it for just 39 cents?


--We only have wheat or pumpernickle buns, no white...

-Hmm, ok, I guess wheat will do.

--For here or to go? :rofl:

you hear me, preco? goes well with your "pickle" :lol:
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Will the weiners plump when you cook 'em? :suspicious:

:shhh: I will not play my whistle for him....:nonod:
LOL so yesterday My daughter and I were at the store and she was like look mommy Obama is now on soda cans!
All I could do is laugh and think of this thread. :rofl: