Flowers for mom 20% off teleflora with visa Expires 6/30/07
d: 01/01/2007 to 06/30/2007
Minimum purchase price of $26.01.
Transaction fee of $11.99 applied to all purchases.
Teleflora may raise the service and transmission fee during major holidays to cover additional expenses.
No delivery fee.
Discount applies to product price.
Orders must be placed through designated website or toll-free number to ensure 20% discount applied.
Offer cannot be combined with any other offer or discount.
Offer only redeemable in the U.S.
Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law.
Applicable taxes must be paid by bearer.
Offer valid only when you pay with your Visa card.
There are also several coupons out there right now $10 off, 20% off entire order (non visa over certain amount etc...) Google is your friend
I like teleflora because they use a real florist from your local area instead of the FEDEX guy. My experience with their customer service has also been very good.
d: 01/01/2007 to 06/30/2007
Minimum purchase price of $26.01.
Transaction fee of $11.99 applied to all purchases.
Teleflora may raise the service and transmission fee during major holidays to cover additional expenses.
No delivery fee.
Discount applies to product price.
Orders must be placed through designated website or toll-free number to ensure 20% discount applied.
Offer cannot be combined with any other offer or discount.
Offer only redeemable in the U.S.
Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law.
Applicable taxes must be paid by bearer.
Offer valid only when you pay with your Visa card.
There are also several coupons out there right now $10 off, 20% off entire order (non visa over certain amount etc...) Google is your friend
I like teleflora because they use a real florist from your local area instead of the FEDEX guy. My experience with their customer service has also been very good.