For Those of you who got the 120GB WD HD for 10 from CC read


l337 m0d3r80r
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
For Those of you who got the 120GB WD HD for 10 from CC read

I have spoken to many people about this deal that was soooooo hot, and only a select few have received their rebates. So, for those of you who have not, give a call to Western Digital and nag..... thats the only way you will get them to do what they want. Their rebates phone number is 1-888-292-0667 and is open M-F 7 AM to 7 PM CST.

Hope this helps!
It's only been about 5 weeks since this deal and the rebate forms state 8 weeks so I'll give them the benfit of the doubt right now.

I have received confirmation of the $10 rebate and with all the confusiosn I'm sure they have to double-check the other rebates.

If anyone has other wisdom to impart please do.
well, 4 of my friends received both, so its better to double check. I'm gonna call and find out what is going on over at WD at see if they can get their rear ends into gear :)
