Free 2 Yr. Subscription to Stuff Magazine

My wife would be very insulted if I started getting this mag. I'll pass.
Gross Magazine

Do not subscribe! Gross magazine plus you get your name and address on every gross mailing list possible.
Re: Gross Magazine

akamara said:
Do not subscribe! Gross magazine plus you get your name and address on every gross mailing list possible.

Gross magazine, why? It is a mens humor magazine. So what if it shows girls dressed scantidly, there is no nudity, its not Hustler or Playboy. There is no language written in the magazine that you would not hear on TV or probably read in a womens romance/sex novel. As a matter of fact most womens romance/sex novels are probably more graphic than this magazine, and television shows more graphic images and videos than is shown in this magazine. My 14 yr old son even reads through it when I get them.

What are you talking about gross mailing lists, almost every freebie posted here gets you put on some mailing list or another. Since I have subscribed to Maxim, Stuff, FHM, and Blender I have never received anything in the mail that I would remotely consider gross or pornographic.
I also agree with Choochoojr, I haven't gotten insane amounts of junkmail or more e-mail since I signed up for these (can't tell with the e-mail since I used an address that gets junk e-mail spam anyway). But these are quality magazines, and the deal is good, I sign up for them each time I see them and apparently I will be getting Stuff until 2008 and Maxim till 2009, and I don't believe I have ever paid for an issue of each in the 2+ years I have been getting them as it is. These magazines are the guys answer to Cosmo, so I don't think I would call them gross, but if that is your opinion, then please don't sign up to receive the free issues and you won't have to deal with them.
i'm a college student living in a dorm, so i thought what the hell. i'll sign up for a lot of free stuff on this site and i'll get a lot of junk mail. but i wont be living in the dorm next year so they can send all the spam they want and i only have to put up with it for a few months until i move out.

i have recieved 3 issues of stuff already. i have recieved a hat, a drink sample, and various other freebies off this site. i have yet to recieve a single piece of junk mail.
You know I have signed up for so much free stuff and have not received one bit of it yet! I also have not received any junk mail or anything like that. I'm just waiting for my first freebie to make all the time I spend on this site worth it! ;-)

I have however bought a BUNCH of stuff through this site that was on sale, so I guess I should look at the fact I have saved SO much money there huh? :-)
you're from michigan and you have an ohio state avatar? whats wrong with you!

My wife would be very insulted if I started getting this mag. I'll pass.

It's obvious who wears the pants in THAT household. So how well DID the castration go?
For those interested in the magazine and not complaining about it, I subbed and started recving this one. MMmm Free Paper...