Free Bandana and Belt Buckle - Marlboro

This is tough. lol I'm at level 4 and my fingers are about to give out. This longhorn just keeps on going.
website is slowingdown had 2 moostorope anditwasslowinggggggg downnnnnn.
Got it! Finally realized the little marker had to be at the top when you click. Went faster after that.
thanks for the post and the tips. A cowgirl, I am not!
oh crap! that last horse is moving! :rofl:
I am at level 5 and I can't rope those running horses for nothing. My arm is killing me from swinging that rope so much. It saved my level so I am going to wait until hubby get's home and let him have a try at it.
ok...this is impossible. the horses are tooooo fast
Level 6 was tough, gotta get the calf then a steer then a longhorn in under 5:50 seconds each. Took forever and my arm is killing me but finally got the buckle. You get to choose mens or womens buckle.
Got it! Finally realized the little marker had to be at the top when you click. Went faster after that.

Really I couldn't figure out why sometimes it would work and most times not...
I gave it another go after my arm rested and I made it through. Whew !! I claimed both rewards... a bandana and a belt buckle.
OK, got the buckle. Tip for those who need it - get someone to help you! I toggled A and D and my husband aimed at the target and clicked! Worked like a charm and was much much easier! I would have been here all night trying! Nice looking buckle :teeth:
I must not understand the game or something...don' need no stinkin beltbuckle anyway...made it to the 2 steers in the woods...tried 2 different not like this game!!
Got the bandana and the belt buckle for both me and my husband. thanks.