Free Booklet - People Are a Lot Worse Than I Thought They Were


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Jul 17, 2006
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Free Booklet - People Are a Lot Worse Than I Thought They Were

Don't you just hate cynical people? I do too.

It was horrifying to me to discover that I had become one. I called it "Christian realism," but that isn't what it was. It was plain, old-fashioned cynicism. I often quoted Jesus's words that we needed to be "wise as serpents and innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16), but one day I realized that my serpent side had won out. I had discovered that people really are a lot worse than I thought they were. And with that discovery, something terrible happened.

I became a cynic.

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Yeah, like they're really going to send it (the cynic in me)
I hope this is not too heavy-handed because I need help (not fire and brimstone guilt) for my cynicism.