Free Dominos 8-piece Cinna Stix

this coupon is on the website for my Dominos so it should work... good luck
Worked for me... Order is in the oven :-)

Oooohhhh... good night - free pizza & free Cina Stix.

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Funny, the Cina Stix code worked but the pizza code didn't. Probably will get a cancellation call, though...
Just ordered mine.....yesterday free pizza; today Cinnasticks! Yummmm.
can't get the code to work, argh, is anyone from california getting this to work at the stores there?
I'm picking mine up tonight after church. Yay!!
can't get the code to work, argh, is anyone from california getting this to work at the stores there?

Got the code to work last night in the Oakland area. The workers looked confused during pick-up -but honored the promo anyway. Thanks again Glittterdog!
can't get the code to work, argh, is anyone from california getting this to work at the stores there?

I also got this to work in the SJ area, the nearest one to my house wasn't accepting it, but another location about a mile away was. Great deal!
I picked up mine last night but they didn't give me icing. I was so sad. That's the only thing I really like about those. :sad:

But that's ok! I'm going to heat up the leftovers today and make my own icing, ha ha! Victory is mine! :tongue: