~Free~ Gnoppix Linux CDs!

The CD's come to you free from Gnoppix. I've seen other Linux sites charge to send the disks.
why don't you just download the .iso's and make them yourself? that's what i usually do.
oh man...sorry. didn't see that. i guess i kind of take my cable modem for granted. quick tip for anyone without broadband (or even if you do have it and are still disatisfied): look into internet2...download times are increased significantly. i download 3 full red hat 9 .iso's in about 5 minutes on cable...it usually takes me all day!
As far as I understand, you can not get onto Internet2 unless you are at a place that has access to it (Universities and such) so I really have no idea how you would get on it with dialup. Care to inform us? You can send me a PM if you want.
But not only that you can order as many CD's as you need so you can give them out to your friends too. 3 flavors available :)