FREE Guitar-Shaped, Gold-Tones Hat Pin *email

  • Thread starter Thread starter jjgailey
  • Start date Start date



COUNTRY FANS all over the world, who come across this site please forward this site to everyone on your mail e-list and receive a FREE hat pin in the shape of a guitar just for sending this link to all you friends.
How To Do It!!

Just go to your menu " File" "Send " "Link by Mail" and forward link to all of your friends. let me know your address and I will send you the Gold Tone Hat Pin FREE. [email protected]
I'm afraid I had problems forwarding your message. Full details follow:

Subject: 'Gold Tone Hat Pin'
Date: 'Mon, 7 Aug 2006 15:57:52 -0400'

1 error(s):

SMTP Server <> rejected recipient <[email protected]> (Error following RCPT command). It responded as follows: [550 "The recipient cannot be verified. No Such User Here"]

I have also attached the mail's original headers. Sorry it didn't work out.
Email I received...

Unable to deliver message to the following address(es):

[email protected]
Reason: 550 "The recipient cannot be verified. No Such User Here"

--- Original message follows.---
mime-version: 1.0
from: to: [email protected]
date: 7 Aug 2006 12:43:19 -0700
subject: Hat pin
content-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable