Free Ice Ball-Not sure what this is

I filled out for this freebie before and it never came. I guess I will never know what it is. :hmm:
It would be nice if it let me put in my entire email address.
i tried this twice in the past and never revieved anything but an email.
Thank you for submitting the following information:
the company's website is seriously chessy and and not to mention ugly!

Thanks for the post OP!
Cryogel reserves the right to provide a free sample only to those who, in the sole discretion of Cryogel, are qualified.

I don't think I qualify. Thanks anyway!
Form Confirmation
Thank you for submitting the following information:
I must not have qualified in the past, also tried many times before. Thanks anyway. :)
I see I signed up already, but noticed this....

Free sample Ice Balls will be sent by U.S. mail to qualified companies or individuals. Cryogel reserves the right to provide a free sample only to those who, in the sole discretion of Cryogel, are qualified.