Free magazine subs???


Silver Member
Aug 7, 2008
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Hi guys- I am sure all of you prob know but I had no clue. :nonod: I love all the Magazine 1 year free freebies- Free business mag, Rewards gold, etc. I was just looking at my CC statement and realized I was charged for renewals on 4 that I signed up for last summer. The company that handles renewals had my CC info for another magazine I subscribe to and AUTOMATICALLY charged my CC when the free ones came up for renewal. :rant: Over $100!!! They cancled them but I was still charged for 1 issue for each about $4- $5 each. I am soooo irritated!!!:rant::rant::rant: I am going to have to take a closer look at my statements from now on- I noticed because it was so many at once.
Hi guys- I am sure all of you prob know but I had no clue. :nonod: I love all the Magazine 1 year free freebies- Free business mag, Rewards gold, etc. I was just looking at my CC statement and realized I was charged for renewals on 4 that I signed up for last summer. The company that handles renewals had my CC info for another magazine I subscribe to and AUTOMATICALLY charged my CC when the free ones came up for renewal. :rant: Over $100!!! They cancled them but I was still charged for 1 issue for each about $4- $5 each. I am soooo irritated!!!:rant::rant::rant: I am going to have to take a closer look at my statements from now on- I noticed because it was so many at once.

Kiki I think you should protest paying even one cent for those magazines if they used CC info from ANOTHER subscription of yours and nothing that you authorized thru the Rewards Gold ones which NEVER have asked me for any CC info. Un-uh girlfriend~ I would call them back now and demand they make companies provide YOU with proof of authorization to EVER charge your CC. If the companies cannot provide this the CC is clearly reponsible for authorizing the charges incorrectly.
fight it with every inch of the credit card and make them take it off now
:motz: Fight it out! :rant:

That's BS! :mad:
I bet they would like the chargeback of $29 per fraudulent use of the card. Just write a letter to your CC company explaining the details.
Thank you!! I will call again- I was so surprised and confused when I talked to them but the more I have thought about it the more upset I became. Thanks for all the imput- I will be calling again to the mag company and my CC company. I don't see how they had any right to charge it. I thought these were all free and clear since I didn't have to give CC info. Pretty scary!! Last time I talked to them they said they made a note to send me a postcard when any future mags came up for renewal. Thanks again :)