Free Opera Mini Browser for iPhone / iPod

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
Apple approved Opera Mini Web Browser for the iPhone / iPod touch.

This browser is apparently a lot faster than Safari and has a rating of 4/5.

Just go to the App Store and download it for free.

- Link to Details
Sweet! Way more features, too!
In other news, "free software, still free."

It's now apparent that Apple has desensitized consumers from the concept of free software. :clap:
I'm getting a "unable to purchase" message. :(

Ive gotten that in the past.. Try reloading AppStore, if that doesnt work try restarting the device. I usually get this because it never prompts me for my iTunes password.

Ive played with it for a little bit.. its ok... but zooming is MUCH better in Safari, it seems that in Opera Mini there are only 2 levels of zoom and no in between....
Just d/l it - it's awesome. No problems so far, MUCH better than Safari!
This has always been free for BlackBerry as far as I'm aware. No sure how this is a deal, no matter what cell phone brand.

You should all check out Bolt. It's a fantastic browser, too.