Free Personalized Christmas Song


Super Moderatorette
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Free Personalized Christmas Song

Choose from funny, romantic, or heartwarming lyrics. Use promotional code bc2004

Just answer a few simple questions, and in moments
you'll hear a personalized song
made just for you!

The perfect gift for friends, family,
and that someone special.
It's original, unique and as easy as sending an email.
That's awesome. Thanks, Cedar. I wish they let you download it so you could burn it to a CD but I'm cool just with this. :claps:
Create persoanlized christmas song for free!

Very cooool :)

It's free... do not forget to put in the promo code bc2004 before you start or you might not be able to send it.

Create your own persoanlized christmas song at:
I haven't tried this yet, but can you order more than one, or do they log your e-mail address for a limit of one per e-mail? I'll send one to my mother-in-law who is out of state if I can do another one... maybe I'll try later tonight or tomorrow.

Yes, you can do more than once. I sent a few with the same sender's email address.
Awesome, Cedar! Thank you!

It can be recorded by using any audio recorder (I use Audio Record Wizard) as long as you select the right recording device.
Funny and the right price! Thanks, Cedar!!! :claps:
i entered in the code and created a song but when previewing the song it only sang have of it and said if I wanted to continue I would have to order it. Anyone else having this problem.

He3x said:
Awesome, Cedar! Thank you!

It can be recorded by using any audio recorder (I use Audio Record Wizard) as long as you select the right recording device.

OK ... if you look in the code, it is realy easy. the link to the MP3 is there if you have firefox with the Linkification extension you can just click on it. if not copy and paste it in to the address bar. here is an example of the one i made for my dad, and yes his name is Dick.

The bold text is what you should click on/copy.

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="700" height="424" id="lyrics" align="middle">

<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="movie" value="../occasions/christmas/flash/funny/gift.swf?lyricSource=./DynamicLyrics?song=74071127S&name_r=Dick&name_s=Rich&source=[b][i][COLOR=Green][/COLOR][/i][/b]" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
<embed src="../occasions/christmas/flash/funny/gift.swf?lyricSource=./DynamicLyrics?song=74071127S&name_r=Dick&name_s=Rich&source=[b][i][COLOR=Green][/COLOR][/i][/b]" 
        quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" menu="false"
        width="700" height="424" name="lyrics" align="middle"
        allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
        pluginspage="" />


here is another way to download the song "i prefer firefox browser"

copy the link below and save the file as an MP3
link:<song number>

Where <song number> is the song number in your email receipt

thank you again for the awsome holiday gift!! :claps:
Netsecur said:
here is another way to download the song "i prefer firefox browser"

copy the link below and save the file as an MP3
link:<song number>

Where <song number> is the song number in your email receipt

thank you again for the awsome holiday gift!! :claps:

Oh yea ... take the easy way out
:bs: I wouldn't have it any other way tekjock :hail: