Free Playtex Drop-Ins Original Nurser System

"Thank you very much for requesting your sample. We are processing your request. Thank you for your continued trust in Playtex Infant Care products."

Wow, nice one... thanks!
Thanks For The Post

Thank you very much for requesting your sample. We are processing your request. Thank you for your continued trust in Playtex Infant Care products
Thank you very much for requesting your sample. We are processing your request
Has anyone else noticed that Spoofee is displaying forum code rather than the links?
Thank you very much for requesting your sample. We are processing your request. Thank you for your continued trust in Playtex Infant Care products.
Thanks Glitterdog!!!!!
This is great! I'm due in Sept. and im trying to stock up on my baby needs now. I've always used the Playtex nursers so this is wonderful. Great find!!
Thank you gliiterdog for another outstanding post!!!:)
Thank you my supervisor is having a baby in August every little bit will help...