Free Reach Access Daily Flosser (SS)


Super Moderatorette
May 20, 2004
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REACH® ACCESS™ Daily Flosser

You will receive: 1 sample size of a FREE REACH®ACCESS™
Daily Flosser & a valuable coupon for savings off your first purchase of refills.

Remaining quantity: 26,805

Remember, you can only place one order every 24 hours, and you can only receive one sample between our site and StartSampling Network sites.

Old thread not SS still good
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I Got Mine The Another Day!!! Its Great, Thanks Again Penpen!!!!!!
ARIEL said:
I Got Mine The Another Day!!! Its Great, Thanks Again Penpen!!!!!!
thanks ARIEL, but I wasn't the OP on this freebie - Cedar is! I just bumped it. :D I got mine too, and I agree, it's GREAT!
ps thanks for always saying thank you! :D
Thanks for the post. I too got one the other day from Reach.
I am curious on the SS link, I click it, not logged into SS, and it bounces me to the homepage. Anyone else have this or is my pc yet again possessed :)
Labruja said:
Thanks for the post. I too got one the other day from Reach.
I am curious on the SS link, I click it, not logged into SS, and it bounces me to the homepage. Anyone else have this or is my pc yet again possessed :)
i think it just does that, even if you're logged in.

this offer is back up again.:)

You will receive: 1 sample size of a FREE REACH® ACCESS™
Daily Flosser & a valuable coupon for savings off your first purchase of refills.

Remaining quantity: 51,783
Madfish said:
repost, this deal was here shown this past fall

It may be, but it'll take your info again......hope I get another ;)

Thanks Irie! :)
me too i want another one!!!!
Thank you for registering for your free sample of REACH® ACCESS™ FLOSSER.
You will receive your free sample in the MAIL within 4 - 6 weeks.
Thank you for registering for your free sample of REACH® ACCESS™ Daily Flosser.
You will receive your free sample in the MAIL within 4 - 6 weeks.

thanks for the post!