Free Sample ~All In One Dream Cloth

This user has used up their submission quota.
Me too!!!! Plus although it says phone nbr is optional, the form won't go unless you enter something.
I tried using the "contact us" form and got the same message as well.
I tried using the "contact us" form and got the same message as well.
Yup crazy ! I called 716-810-2085 and got this "We are unavailable to take your call please leave a message and thank you for calling!" LOL
Their "secure site for ordering seems to work" LOL LOL
looks like maybe eveyone has used up their quota, or their quota.
I got in...
In the phone number field i typed "optional"
Give it a try

Thanks for the tip, it worked! LOL

Thank you for your order
you will recieve your ultimate cloth in 2-4 business days. For any questions concerns or comments feel free to contact me.
Thanks for the tip xosushixo! Went Through!
I really doubt they will get all those out in 2-4 business day but we can wish. LOL
grrrrrrrr I can't get it to go through. I click submit and all I get is a blank page. I refresh and same thing. grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Well, either they forgot to post this before or they're just *really* gone now. At the top of their page, it says:

We are sorry, but we cannot offer any more free samples at this time. we have hit our quota of 3000. We do offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you still would like to try the product.