Free Smithsonian Book for Reviewing Teacher Resources - Educators


Master League
Staff member
Feb 8, 2008
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Free Smithsonian Book for Reviewing Teacher Resources - Educators

Write a review of any Smithsonian educational resource on this site and receive a free Smithsonian book. You’ll find nonfiction for adults and children on science, technology, history, art, music, and hobbies—everything under the Smithsonian sun. Many sell for $20 . . . $40 . . . and more! Take a look at the titles now available.

You can write your review on any one of a thousand online lesson plans, virtual exhibitions, and activities. Examine the resource and tell us how you have used or would use it. Where does it fit into your curriculum? How would you modify it? What concepts does it help you teach? What did you like best?

Just follow these easy steps:

Search the Resource Finder for an online resource you would like to review.
Click on “Add a Review” (the last line of the resource description).
Write your review, complete the form, and submit it to us.
Watch the site for your review to be posted (usually within 5 days).
Choose the book you want from the list of titles.
Check your email for a message from [email protected] and reply with your mailing address and your book choice.
You’ll receive your Smithsonian book in about three weeks, with our thanks for your contribution to